Смотрите видео Cuckoo’s Nest in Gutach im Kinzigtal in the Black Forest

Смотрите онлайн удобно и без смс Cuckoo’s Nest in Gutach im Kinzigtal in the Black Forest. Будем рады, если вам понравится и вы расскажите об этом друзьям и знакомым.

No visit to the Black Forest is complete without a stop at the Cuckoo's Nest, located by the car park at the Vogtsbauernhof farmhouse open-air museum in Gutach. We offer curiosa, giftware and unique memorabilia to mark your visit to one of the world's most beautiful regions, as well as yummy, healthy fresh food, most of which is prepared from scratch with local products chosen to support the region's farmers.


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